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Active Mind & Lifestyle - The Military Sleep Method 2024
Active Mind and Lifestyle

The Military Sleep Method

By Joshua Wood, LPC

Summary: The Military Sleep Method, popularized by its use in the U.S. military, is a technique designed to help soldiers fall asleep in less than two minutes, even in less-than-ideal conditions. It's been getting a lot of attention on social media and elsewhere over the past year.

The Military Sleep Method, popularized by its use in the U.S. military, is a technique designed to help soldiers fall asleep in less than two minutes, even in less-than-ideal conditions. It's been getting a lot of attention on social media and elsewhere over the past year.

It has the potential to be practical for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality and, consequently, their overall mental and physical health.

Understanding the Military Sleep Method

Lloyd "Bud" Winter (1909 - 1985) was a renowned track and field coach at San Jose State University. In addition to coaching dozens of All-Americans, many of whom became Olympians, he was also known for his instruction of relaxation techniques and sports psychology.

Winter taught U.S. naval pilots how to relax during World War II and later authored "Relax and Win: Championship Performance."

The Military Sleep Method, which was detailed in the book, involves a series of relaxation and visualization steps to transition the body and mind into a state conducive to sleep. The method takes about six weeks of consistent practice to master but once learned, it can be incredibly effective. Let's take a look at what it involves.

Steps of the Military Sleep Method

  • Relax the Physical Body: Begin by relaxing the muscles in your face, including the tongue, jaw, and the muscles around the eyes. Then, drop your shoulders as low as they'll go, followed by your upper and lower arm, one side at a time. Breathe out and relax your chest, then your legs, starting from the thighs and working down.
  • Clear Your Mind: For 10 seconds, try to clear your mind completely. It helps to envision a relaxing scene, such as lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but a clear blue sky above you, or being snuggled in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room.
  • If You Can't Clear Your Mind: If you find it difficult to clear your mind, try silently repeating the words "don't think, don't think, don't think" for 10 seconds.

The Science Behind It

The Military Sleep Method is grounded in principles of relaxation and mindfulness, which have been shown to be effective in promoting sleep. When the body relaxes, it lowers stress hormones like cortisol and reduces the heart rate, signaling to the brain that it's time to sleep. This relaxation response is the opposite of the "fight or flight" response that is activated by stress and anxiety.

Additionally, the focus on clearing the mind and visualization techniques helps to distract from the kind of racing thoughts that often prevent sleep. This aspect of the method is similar to mindfulness and meditation practices, which are scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Integrating into a Healthy Lifestyle:

Incorporating the Military Sleep Method into a regular nightly routine can be a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Adequate and quality sleep is vital for physical health, aiding in the repair and healing of the heart and blood vessels, and supporting growth and stress management. Mentally, good sleep improves concentration, productivity, and emotional balance.

This method, by promoting rapid and effective sleep, can help individuals maximize their sleep quality, thus contributing positively to both their mental and physical well-being. As with any new practice, patience and consistency are key. With regular application, the Military Sleep Method can become a valuable tool in achieving optimal health and wellness.

About the Author

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Joshua Wood Joshua Wood, MA, LPC has provided counseling and therapy services to individuals and families for 18 years in the Morris County and Somerset County areas of New Jersey. He currently provides online counseling services to individuals with anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal conditions (Crohn's disease, colitis and celiac disease), adjustment disorders, and college mental health challenges. He formerly worked at the Cambridge Professional Center in Morristown, NJ and received his training at the Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program at Morristown Medical Center. He earned an M.A. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2006 and his B.A. in English and Textual Studies from Syracuse University in 1993.

First Published: Apr 15, 2024

Joshua Wood

Joshua Wood, MA, LPC has provided counseling and therapy services to individuals and families for 18 years in the Morris County and Somerset County areas of New Jersey. He currently provides online counseling services to individuals with anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal conditions (Crohn's disease, colitis and celiac disease), adjustment disorders, and college mental health challenges.

Learn more about Josh or make an appointment.

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